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The arrival of reliable liquid-applied coatings has revolutionised the roofing industry, simplifying application and reducing labour costs while providing a membrane that accurately follows the profile of the roofing substrate.  And a roof surface without seams, welds or joints is one that provides a far greater protection against climate.


As ever, though, there are disadvantages, particularly on these islands, in Ireland and Britain, where rainfall is never far away.  How to effectively coat a wet or damp roof?


Satecma Chemical Industries, Madrid send us this video which shows Tecma Imperal H20 being successfully applied – not only to a damp substrate sample, but to one that is actually submerged under water during the application process.


 *Imperal H20 is recommended for use solving localised waterproofing emergencies, as well as the complete waterproofing of roofs, terraces, gutters, balconies, chimneys, etc. It is resistant to standing water and maintains permanent elasticity, allowing it to expand and contract and move along with the substrate.


Suitable for use, without needing a primer, on concrete and mortar, brick, steel, tile, glass, galvanized steel, aluminium, etc.


Resistant to temperatures from -400 to +900


Imperal H20 complete data sheet is available for download on our website.

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