ProQuick is a quick-setting mortar for sealing water leaks, even under pressure.

- Stops running water instantly
- No shrinkage; expands on setting
- Only takes one to three minutes to set
- Sets under water
- Lasts as long as the structure itself
- Easy to apply, no need for any special equipment
- Apparent density of the component in powder form: 0.96 g/cm3
- Granulometry (EN 12192-1): 0 – 0.6 mm
- Temperature of application: from +5 to +30ºC
- Setting time (EN 13294): < 2 minutes
- Water vapour permeability (EN ISO 7783-1/-2) : SD < 5 metres, class I (EN 1504-2), permeable to water vapour (equivalent air barrier)
- Liquid water permeability (EN 1062-3): < 0.1 kg/m2.h0.5 water impermeability (EN 1504-2)
- Adherence on a concrete structure (EN 1542) (28 days): > 1.00 MPa (product cohesive breakage)
- Compression resistance (EN 12190) (1 hour): > 9.0 MPa
- Flexural strength (EN 196-1) (1 hour) : > 2.0 MPa
- Compression resistance (EN 12190) (28 days) : > 20.0 MPa
- Dangerous substances (EN 1504-2): complies with section 5.3 of standard EN 1504-2
Using Proquick In Extreme Conditions:
A very cold or a hot climate may delay or advance the setting time of PROQUICK.
Neither of these climates makes it any less effective but special care should be taken when mixing and applying the product. It is best to use warm water when mixing PROQUICK in low temperatures. Do not apply when the temperature is close to 0ºC.
Essential Conditions for Obtaining the Best Possible Results with Proquick:
- The crack or opening must be properly prepared. This means that you need to create an indentation about 2 cm deep and thick.
- Cut the indentation so that it is dovetailed or square-shaped but do not make it “V”-shaped.
- Clean the surface of any dirt or residue.
- The product comes in powder form and all that you have to do is add water and mix it until it takes on the consistency of putty. It can then be applied to the area affected either by hand or with a metal trowel.
- Only mix as much PROQUICK that you can use in one or two minutes.
- Employ PROQUICK effortlessly, this helps it to get a good hold.
- PROQUICK should be pressed into the indentation to obtain suitable results.
- Once it has been applied, keep it damp for at least sixty minutes. PROQUICK can be used above and below groundwater levels in: basements, tunnels, sewers, tanks, around piping, cable conduits etc., or anywhere water is not welcome.
Marked as compliant with standard EN 1504-2 (system 2+) and with European construction products regulations.
Presentation & Storage:
The product comes in 20 kg net multiply paper bags with the batch number duly identified and the instructions for use. PROQUICK must be stored in the original sealed bags. The estimated storage period, in the original bags, should not exceed 12 months.