This house faces South West to the Atlantic Ocean, about 500 metres from the shoreline. It is exposed to every storm that pounds the west coast of Ireland.
The dwelling was converted so that the sitting/living area is on the first floor, offering stunning views of Galway Bay and the Aran Islands. The low-pitch upper level roof was a problem.

“Christmas 2015, I counted twenty six buckets collecting rainwater on my sitting room floor”, says the lady of the house. “During that period we experienced the greatest levels of stress you could possibly imagine. The ceiling of our sitting room was saturated and had started to collapse. There was no solution in sight. Water was also forcing its way through the window surrounds. We were at our wit’s end! Every storm made matters worse, adding to the leaks and causing more and more of the ceiling to disintegrate. We were told the only way to stop the leaks was to completely strip the roof and rebuild it at a higher pitch. We were quoted figures of €60,000 and upwards.”
Fast forward to 2016 and a stress free, dry cosy Christmas in their newly decorated sittingroom.
FlexiStop was painted onto the roof slates and has prevented wind-driven rain forcing its way under the slates. Less than €4,000 spent on FlexiStop has completely solved their problems. Because the work could be done from a cherry-picker there was no need for expensive scaffolding and the job was finished in a fraction of the estimated time. The window surrounds, too, have been sealed with FlexiStop.
“After a storm, or a very wet night, I still find myself checking around the windows,” laughs the owner. “I expect I’ll get over it in time.”
“I thought, the first time you came out and spoke to us, that you were full of buls**t!”, her husband says to the man from MSP Coatings. “Tell anyone who thinks FlexiStop doesn’t work to call me. It does everything you said it would.”
To learn more, phone MSP Coatings on 091 44 55 44.