An electronics factory roof with valleys and rusted steel gutters that needed urgent action. Replacing gutters would involve stopping production while the roof sheeting was removed and new gutters fitted. Total production downtime – up to two weeks. Instead, a rust-kill treatment was applied to cleaned gutters, followed by two coats of FlexiStop. No disruption, no production downtime, greatly reduced costs. Most important: no more leaks.
An asphalt hotel roof, leaking badly into the restaurant and function rooms beneath. The roof was cleaned and dried. Two coats of FlexiStop was painted on to the flat surface and up all vertical upstands, such as roof lights, vents, etc. We’ve since been invited back to treat other areas of this large roof. Why? Quality of the work, of course. No disruption to staff or guests, no leaks. And, of course, value for money.

A torch-on felt roof with ponding water leaking in many areas into the residence below. The roof was thoroughly cleaned and two coats of FlexiStop applied. The FlexiStop was also painted up the vertical walls, forming a single seam-free membrane across the entire surface. The roof is as good as new, completely waterproof and will not be affected by future ponding.
Where three rivers meet – Water from a sloping corrugated Perspex roof and a felt flat roof runs into an aluminium gutter. All three are successfully coated and sealed using FlexiStop. The gap between the gutter and Perspex is bridged with a FlexiStop-soaked fleece for added insulation and extreme strength. All three substrates are now one single, bonded waterproof membrane.

Rainwater is being blown underneath the slates of a 700 m2 low-pitched supermarket roof, damaging goods in the storeroom below. The owners were advised to erect scaffolding (cordoning off two busy streets), strip the slates, raise the roof profile, re-batten, re-felt and re-slate (buying more slates, in a different colour, to cover the increased area) – all at enormous cost. Instead, slates were power-washed, large gaps bridged with silicone mastic. Then two coats of FlexiStop Clear solves the problem and gives the client a brand new look roof! All at a fraction of the original proposed cost.
The seal between a Velux roof window and the metal cladded roof is perished and water is getting in. The roof profile is old and cannot be partially replaced. Two coats of FlexiStop are painted on to both the flat and vertical surfaces, completely sealing all joints and seams. Using masking tape while applying the FlexiStop gives a neat, clean appearance.
Despite numerous “fixes” water is seeping between the skylights and roof of a covered residential corridor. Access is restricted and difficult. We cleaned the roof surface and painted two coats of FlexiStop on to the flat roof and up on the vertical of the windows. After many, many years the leaks are finally stopped.
This asphalt roof is leaking. Water is also entering at the joints where roof meets the surrounding wall and roof light. The roof is coated twice with FlexiStop, as are the vertical joints. Another MSP Coatings success story!
Cracked asphalt is letting in water, as are joints in the parapet capping. The roof is cleaned and repaired with two coats of FlexiStop Black. The parapets & caps are rejointed, painted white and sealed with two coats of FlexiStop Clear. Lookin’ good! No leaks! The family living there are completely undisturbed while work goes on.
A busy city centre hotel roof is leaking six floors above street level. The only access to the roof is via the guest elevators. The roof is cleaned and two coats of FlexiStop Black applied, completely sealing the entire area. No smoke. No flames. No acrid smells. And no fire hazard! Guests and staff come and go, unaware of the roofworks going on over their heads!
Rainwater was entering the apartments under this fourth floor roof through cracks in the pre-formed uPVC membrane and at the joints where roof tiles met the flat surface. The cracks were patched and the entire roof sealed with two coats of FlexiStop Liquid Silicone Roofing Material.
The 580M2 roof of this Bar/Restaurant was in need of repair. It is spread over four different levels and completely enclosed on all sides. The only access is by two flights of narrow stairs from the busy city centre street.
When the roof was perfectly cleaned, damaged pieces of existing felt were cut away, removed and replaced. When everything had been thoroughly cleaned and prepped, two coats of FlexiStop Liquid Silicone Roofing System were applied by brush and roller. The vertical areas were coated first and, when cured, the horizontal roof was covered. This provides a single, tough membrane running right across the complete roof. There are no joints, seams or overlaps that can be attacked by moisture or frost. There is not ONE single weak point in the entire 580 square metres where dampness can penetrate and begin its relentless mission to weaken the roof.